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6-1-2022 by 
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Since kitchens are a highly functional area, where you or other members of your household will be spending a lot of time, it pays to make it as attractive as possible. Kitchens are now an integral part of your home décor and an emphatic statement of your lifestyle choices.

Here are the best kitchen design trends of 2020.

Smart Kitchens

Technology has pervaded all facets of our life. Even the humble kitchen has now gone high tech with the advent of smart appliances. Everything from lighting, to the fridge and even faucets now works with cutting edge technology. These technological marvels are not just gimmicks. They provide high utility to homeowners. For instance, smart lighting will switch off automatically when there is no one in the kitchen. Smart faucets will open up when they detect your hands underneath.

You can now control many appliances using your smartphone. Thus, you can be in control of your kitchen even if you are away.

Vibrant Colors

White has been favored for a long time since it instills a sense of cleanness and openness. But homeowners are now looking for more exciting colors. Vibrant hues and especially darker shades are making a comeback in 2020.

One good idea would be to mix up darker shades with lighter ones. This way, your kitchen will not end up looking excessively murky and gloomy. The dark shades will complement lighter shades very nicely and provide a sharp and pleasant looking contrast. Thus, if you have a light countertop, you can embellish your cabinets with darker hues.

Clean and Smooth Contours

Clean and smooth contours and gentle curving impart peace into the kitchen ambience by giving it a more natural look since smooth curves are to be found in nature.

Instead of using sharp corners and straight lines for your countertops and cabinets, you may want to resort to smoother and gentler curves for a more soothing appearance.



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